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:banana: im new here!!! but yeah im having problems with my coolent system on my 1992 subaru loyale 1.8 L engin 4cylinder automatic the whole problem started wen one night one of the back heater hoses broke so i changed it then the car was still over heatingso i checked the thermostat it was old so i changed it was still over heating after that all of the suden after i took a long trip my radiator started leaking i tought irt was a whole so i put liquid sealer in it and removed the thermostat but its still over heating i think i need a flush but im not sure even tho the anti freeze is really dirty so if any one can help me let me no
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well..putting that sealer stuff in it was the wrong thing to do..clogs the whole system. Wouldnt be too suprised if you blew a head gasket on it. sounds alot like it ..but maybe not. first thing you should do is flush the system..then make sure you get all the air from the system ( burping it). did you put an OEM T stat in? Subes are partial to OEM ones and have troubles with aftermarket. The Radiators on yours are prone to clogging also... feel the radiator for hot and cold spots...also make sure you dont have a hose collapsing when its running... there is a start for you..

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