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360 spotted in a movie! (Edited)


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okay, so it's a japenese p**n movie, but it's still in a movie:D


M***y s**t (of the car) :-)


I didn't watch the movie, I read the review of it on somethingawful.com on a section called "The horrors of p**n" (It's on the one called "I.K.U") This guy reviews p**n that is as he puts it "hilariously awkward, bizarre, or even frightening".


It is some of the funniest stuff I have ever read.


now before somebody complains, they don't show the movie and the screenshots of it are not that bad, it's meant to be funny not ero**c. believe me, Even if they tried, they couldn't make it e**tic.


Hows that for e***ing?:D

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Nice find!


I love somethingawful.com. If you are on teh forums, have you checked out AI?


On a side note... remember this is a "family" forum. I think this post is great and dandy, but others will disagree.


I am surprised that the word porn isn't starred out like this: ****


And further more, I am of the impression as of late, that this thread will either be edited by this time tomorrow (not by you) or will cease to exist. Good luck.


Glad I saw it in the raw form! Truely a hideous but novel car.

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haha it got a rating of negative 26!


I once watched a japanese samurai version of Shakespeare's Macbeth in in English class. That had to be the next funniest example of japanese film-making ever created. I like that guys quote, "I think it's almost unfair to the movie to lump it into pornography. Instead I would like to think of it as a film designed with the sole intent of confusing and frightening the viewer."

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I was sort of conflicted on whether to post this or not.


no, i am not on the forums, I just happened to stumble onto the site accidentally, I will check out AI though, you mean the review of the movie right?

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