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To paint or not to paint?

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I was bored last night, so I took my spare plenum and freshened it up a bit.. Was considering painting it bright yellow to match my coil and wires (wires aren't on the car yet).. But its just so pretty that I don't know if I should...Except for the lettering, the two plenums were identical when I started.

The smoothness really appeals to the eye


Heres what the old one looks like..



PS.. Thanks to Skip for the idea

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Yup Rob. when I started, the two were identical, except for the lettering.. and the one I ground down was a lot dirtier and scruffier than the 4wd one was...was lots of fun.. did it by hand.. I was really bored


I would have taken a before and after pic, but the before part didn't occur to me until after.:D

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