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Help with air to gas suspension swap 93 Subaru Legacy!!!

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I was doing the air to gas suspension on my aunts 93 legacy wagon AWD. The front went in really easy, hour for both, but I(friend to) started on the rear and finaly got one rear one out, then started to put the new one in and we tightened it to the top a little, but found the strut would not align up with the hub assembley, it was about 20-30 deggres off being able to go over were you slide the bolts through. What is casing this? Could it be the people who loaded the struts (Firestone) did it wrong? I know the strut was the right side. I know the springs/topmounts/strut are all the right compnets, unless side to side makes a diffrence. AnY ideas my Aunt needs here car running. Thanks

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I haven't done rear struts on a Legacy before, but I have a friend who put new rear struts on his 91 Legacy Turbo, and he said you might as well get someone to help you by pulling the hub down so you can align the holes. The swaybar pushes the hub up when you remove the strut, he said.

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I dont have any problems with getting the strut in, I took opff the sway bar. The problem i have is when the strut is in the top mount, the part that conects to the hub is about 20-30 deggres off being able to slide on, and the top mount wont twist. I have done this before on my moms 91 legacy and had no problems.

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