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loyale gas milage issues

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my 1990 loyale spfi 5 speed single range 4x4 is getting 14 miles per gallon. which sucks.


My carbed wheeler wagon with a craptachi and 28's is getting 26 mpg, so i know the loyale should be getting better milage


Does anyone know what is making the loyale have crappy gas milage? What should i do to fix it?




Edited by Markus56
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Does anyone know what is making the loyale have crappy gas milage? What should i do to fix it?


Okay... What have you checked so far? I'm not really up on the EA-82s, but here's what I'd go through on pretty much any car; modify recommendations as necessary to suit your situation:


- Is the math on the fuel economy correct? (I've got this one wrong before)


- Is the fuel you've got OK? (drain / run out tank, fill up at a different station)


- Spark plugs (cracked, worn out, what sort of colouration?)

- Plug wires (are they oil-soaked, cracked, and / or showing arcing?)

- Distributor cap (check for cracks and broken / worn contacts)

- Rotor arm (check tip and centre for wear)

- Ignition coil (if you shake it, can you hear the oil sloshing around inside? If not, time for a new one)


- Fuel filters (clogged / cracked?)

- Fuel lines (cracked?)


- Vacuum leaks (got any?)


- Timing (no misses or flat spots, distributor / shaft bushings OK?)

- Carb / FI (is it running rich or leaking; injector(s) & sensors OK?)


That's more or less the order I'd check it out in. Need some more info before we can really give you an idea, though.

Edited by casm
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yeah, i should probably do that. i was hoping i wouldn't have to spend money :rolleyes:


but i guess it will save me money in the long run :-p


Nah, just check the basics yourself first. A lot of this doesn't require specialised knowledge, just the ability to pull spark plugs, unbolt a coil, etc. If you can get us whatever you can, it helps to track stuff down - which in turn can end up saving you money even if you decide to have someone else do the work.

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I meant spending money on parts. but when your car has 260 thousand miles on it, you should probably replace the old stuff on it :lol:


Oh, yeah, that's worth opening up the wallet for :D Good luck!

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