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2001 OBW won't show codes/OBDII doesn't work?

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Friend is looking at someone's car and his OBDII scanner wont work in the OBDII port. Says it's not recognizing anything. 2001 OBW EJ25.


He said the dealer told her something was wrong and quoted her massive coin to fix it. He's trying to help her but isn't familiar with Subaru's.


So....what could be wrong and is there a way to flash the codes without using the OBDII port?


He's checked the reader in a few cars and it works no problems. That and the dealers remarks suggests something is wrong with the port.


The check engine light is on.

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I recall that when I bought my first code reader at Walmart, the model I chose failed to sync up with the OBD port on my 2001 OBW. I contacted the manufacturer of the reader and they sent me a slightly different model that was able to sync up no problems. There are still differences when I use the reader on our 2000 OBW. I think on the 2000, I have to actually start the engine in order for the sync to occur. On the 2001 I just need to turn the key to the On position. My reader is made by http://www.canobd2.com

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What dealer is this, as it sounds like it is not a subaru dealer. They may need a better code reader. The cheaper ones may not have the subaru communications dohicky profile. Another possabililty is as simple as a poor connection at the obdII port.


Take the car to a Autozone and let them read the codes for free. If they still cant read codes we will look into it deeper.


Also check all the fuses, under the hood and under the dash to make sure they all work.



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You are NOT supposed to have these kind of problems.





i am not home otherwise i would look it up on FSM (didnt i send you one of those?) First thing to be suspect of is the connector itself. Sometimes an ECU goes bad and wont communicate, thats why there are used ones :)




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Apparently he's resolved the problem, I think he updated the software in his scanner. Must be microsoft based :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol:


One of those carbon based errors. Sorry apple is just as screwey as MS. There is nothing perfect in the world, and thats what keeps us interested :)

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