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side project...........


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welp, she should roll pretty good now.i'm kinda proud of her.she looks better than i thought she would, as i am a brat/hatch kinda guy.


but i had some stuff layin around to do it with so........





she runs, but does not drive yet.i got as far as building the steering linkage, carrier bearing mounts,and tranny linkage today.


out of those the steering and tranny linkages are basically done.i have to mount the steering linkage,and i am finished with the base of the tranny linkage.i still need to lengthen the shifter itself.so.she is really close to driving.


i made the carrier bearing mounts, but they are only half way mounted 'cause i was tired.


not bad since friday.

install engine and tranny,make it run

install front lift with new brakelines

swap out the rearend with the one on the hatchsos i could have the 6 lug and discs

steering,and tranny linkages

i basically just need to mount the rear shocks,the carrier bearing mounts,and adjust the clutch.then tab her and start driving her again.


then i can start to put the skidplate on,and other goodies .enjoy...


cheers, brian

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Looks great man. Can't wait to see it run and drive. Also I have an extra ea82 shifter if you need it. It may fit a bit better then trying to "retro fit" the ea81. Just a thought. Any way it looks great dude. Can't wait till we all can run together at the ORV park for some "break in" runs.

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yeah, i love green things.:)she is in contention for my all time favs........


it will be weird to have all that room in a lifted rig.i am used to stuffing everything in a brat.should be fun.cheers, brian


  Greenley said:
:slobber::slobber::eek: Not bad for a side project.


What i'd do to get my paint code 255 GL-10 wagon back....

(not implying this was mine, only i that i had one just like it)

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she is the lillypad per my daughter .i call her lilly.you don't really get to call her anything......

  bheinen74 said:
show more picks, I am calling it the pickle wagon.



and jeff,i will get some more pics up in the next couple of days.i have to put a bushing on the steering linkage to get the "clunk" down.....then i will drive her.i got tabs today.


i drove her in the driveway yesterday to adjust the clutch cable.but that was only about 2 ft one way and 3 ft the other:lol:....cheers, brian


e3dit;i fixed the steering via transplant to different steering model , and it works.its a DOUGLINKS model.:lol:

Edited by monstaru
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So that's about 6 inches of lift then ?

Self fabbed, no doubt. Only suckers like me actually buy lift kits.


i fixed the steering via transplant to different steering model , and it works.its a DOUGLINKS model.


Whats this all about?






Do you take milk or cream ? :grin:

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yeah, bill did this one.and once again he outdid himself.

ya see,i traded bill for that lift kit originally for the hatch .....then ended up building a subframe for it.


so i had some of my brat stuff layin around.i didn't really want to bring a stock subie to the offroad meet,so i built lilly.well, am building lily.


SO, a tale of steering linkage..


once upon a time there was about 4 configurations of steering linkage devised to fit for the ea series vehicles.and a few for the legacy models.


at first i took an ea setup and lengthened it.bad angle . no go.


then i took several pieces and melded them together with pieces of ea81 manual steering rod(the one that comes from the rag joint up).went through several configs. until found one that worked.


then took an ea82 manual piece, and an ea series short joint and it almost worked.angle was still bad but in theory looked good.


then took a legacy piece and an ea piece with some rod in it and it worked, but VERY clunkily....so i thought i would buy a bushing to connect the rod to the framerail.but the rod was to big.i had bought the only bushings that they had that would suit the mounting space constraints.


welp, then i thought , you know mang,that ea82 manual piece and short ea81 piece worked for doug(mugs)maybe i'll try it again.(thanks mugsy)


so i lined her up , found where she was rubbing(and not allowing full movement by the way) and filed those areas ever so slightly.voile', mounted her up and she works like a charm.



anyways,mounted an auxilary fuse panel a minute ago.am working on the stereo,and such inside.need some weld time to get the skidplate on.and she will be wheelable.i will be driving her next week to do any shakedowns needed.hopefully including a few hours at the local ORV so i can see her limits.gonna be a little different than a brat.cheers, brian


cream,thank you.:grin:but will take milk if its the only option......:lol:

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Nice job on the steering linkage, I dont really like what I did with my Hatch, I took out the rag joint and bolted the shaft directly to the input shaft on the rack, then clocked the rack with a custom shim about oh 5-10 degrees (I dont remember) and then lengthened an EA82 double U-joint piece and put that in. It works, has no binding at all, but I dont like that there is no shock absorbtion of any kind, and it looks really hokie/flimsy where I took out the rag joint and bolted the 2 shafts together... But If I ever finish it I will convert to Power steering and open a new can of worms...


Just curious, have you built custom rear axles for it yet? I plan on trying the GD formula, EA82 DOJs on the EA81 axles... More flex room :banana: when I get my Brat lifted...



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  monstaru said:

then i thought , you know mang,that ea82 manual piece and short ea81 piece worked for doug(mugs)maybe i'll try it again.(thanks mugsy)


so i lined her up , found where she was rubbing(and not allowing full movement by the way) and filed those areas ever so slightly.voile', mounted her up and she works like a charm.



Glad I could be of some help :grin: .... for once.

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i have not gotten to the axles.mainly because i am waiting for my "free machining" to be done.it id free, and will probably take another like, month or two.but oh well.i will be trying out some stuff on the green wagon now that i am going a different direction with the hatch.so ,when i get the pieces back i will start building them.


cheers, rbain

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well, i should have been worried about it.when i finally went for a road test yesterday afternoon,the clutch would not engage fully.fiddled and fiddled with it, then said piss on it.


after thinking about all of the options i decided that the only way to go about it was to drop in a new ea82 flywheel,a nice exedy clutch i had around and away i went.....pulled it out this afternoon under its own power.


boy do i need to take an axle out.:)


it still needs adjusted, but is fully functional now.


sidenote:when it came time to put the exhaust back on , it was not happening.damn ,stripped ..... so i had to take the risers off and utilize the opposite holes that the riser bolts were using.i actually used the riser bolts to mount the exhaust.i know, your saying "that wouldna work"

..well, i had switched the position of the flange on an exhuast i built for the brat.so , i get to use the exhaust i wanted on there in the first place!


i got the exhaust on,and it tucked up a bit more..bonus!

not as much as i would like, but, i have to build a new one anyway for the EJ...


i did not get to drive it after the "new" exhaust.but,i will tomorrow.then i can start packing stuff for the offroad meet.....cheers, rbianb

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