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Legacy Engine Rebuild Problems?

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They are not an interferance fit - if you have to actually HAMMER on them something is wrong. It's just a bit of impact to dislodge them from any varnish that might be holding them in place. On well maintained engines and at reassembly they can be pulled out and inserted by hand.


It's a finesse thing and you have to have a bit of feel for it. Slight force isn't going to hurt anything - it's jut the piston slapping the bore a bit.



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If you take out the covers on the front and the back, you can line the piston up and see the wrist pin from the opposite access hole. You can actually take a long punch and drive the pin out from the opposite side. They can be a bit tight and tapping out with a hammer isn't going to hurt anything. I did a 2.2 this way and it ran like a champ after we got it all back together.


God luck.

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