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auto window up/down

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anybody ever tried to convert any window other than the driver window to auto up/down? I sure like that feature and think it'd be useful on the passenger side too... was looking at the switch, seems like that 'feature' lives in the switch, not the window control box under the carpet... :rolleyes:

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Yes, that feature lives in the switch. Its essentially a circuit breaker. If you want to have auto up/down on the others, Directed Electronics makes a window automation module that (I think) will do the trick. Its actually designed to be used with an alarm, but I believe you can make it work with the buttons. If you're interested, let me know and I'll look up the part number and application.

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well I have an extra driver switch and only two power windows to deal with... so it is sounding like I can just put the extra in the passenger slot on the master panel and have fully automated windows on both sides... (from my seat anyway)


(and thanks for the idea on the aftermarket controller)

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i've always thought the same thing, would be nice to have that feature on both front windows...and from the drivers seat too. kind of silly to have different modes of operatinos for switches that do the same thign.


anyway, i looked into this like 10 years ago on the XT6 and i don't recall any easy way to do it. now maybe i could disassemble the master switch and extract just the element i need, that might work.


and maybe non-XT6's are simpler.


let us know how it goes i'd like to try this again.

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i've always thought the same thing, would be nice to have that feature on both front windows...and from the drivers seat too. kind of silly to have different modes of operatinos for switches that do the same thign.


anyway, i looked into this like 10 years ago on the XT6 and i don't recall any easy way to do it. now maybe i could disassemble the master switch and extract just the element i need, that might work.


and maybe non-XT6's are simpler.


let us know how it goes i'd like to try this again.


it's a deal, if/when I have the time to pick my own fight, I'll take a pic or two and post something for posterity


totally agree, in a four door, both front windows should work that way, in the coupe it's a no brainer

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