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Motor swap guidance needed.

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So i found a parts car locally for cheap. Its an 96 EA82 carb'd sedan with the DR i was going to take for my loyale. Thing is its in better shape body wise than my rust buckett. I searched a bit, and help me if im wrong, but if you were to transplant my SPFI EA82 into his Carb'd EA82 you would have to do wiring harness fun. Am i right? If not is it a pretty straight forward drop in and drive swap? Thank you

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There is documentation on the board about doing a SPFI conversion on the older EA81's, using a EA82 SPFI for parts.


I would follow that guide, as it will most likely be the same for your EA82 when it comes to wiring harness & ecu. The carb motor has really no ECU at all that can control the engine. The SPFI on the otherhand requires a ECU in order to even fire. There's no way around it.

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what about swapping just my block and using its existing carb system?


That would work. I swapped a carbed EA82 engine into a SPFI car - but I kept the SPFI the car came with - just swaped the intake manifolds. SPFI has more power.

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Ok Thank you for the input. before i pull the trigger on this project, would anyone else give supporting feedback to the swapping blocks? I mean will taking a FI'd block and putting it in a Carb'd car work? Bolt in and go right? Thanks


Oh and on the power issue, would removing the AC and removing the belt driven fan and installing a second eletric fan bring the power up? I would probably strip all the EFI stuff for a later date when im feeling comfortable with wiring it up.

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