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the "Help me sue the woman who Totalled my XT6" sale...


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To keep this short.....My XT6 was in a major accident. just got a letter from the insurance company saying that they found a loophole, and won't be covering it (the woman who was driving didn't own the car or insurance policy....). So my only choice is to sue her. But it needs to happen next week, and costs money.




SO. If the payment is in my possession (check in my hands or $$$ in my paypal acct) by Monday, September 7th, at the latest, I will accept $150 for an EJ22 swap harness.


That's right, $100 off my regular price!!!!


If you're not quite ready to send a donor harness, I will reserve your spot at the top of the list (well...right after the other 2 I'm working on, which will hopefully be out of here by next week sometime anyway), get it done as quickly as I can once I do receive it, and will not charge you a penny more!


Help me save my XT6!



I'm only looking for two people to do this, so contact me ASAP.

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I'm up in the air on this, but have considered it earlier this year.


How long would it take me to remove the harness on a parts car? If you need another hit on this I might jump in to help out.


Well, Chux let me sort of 'pre-pay' for a harness. I look at it this way; eventually I will do a swap, Chux will make me a professional looking bundle and it is one less thing for me to screw around with when the time comes...


I also wanted to help his cause, i.e. this accident is ridiculous and he's getting jerked around.

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