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99 Forester. 76K. 5-speed. New to me. Runs well, but blows blue smoke on hard acceleration. Compression is all at 152 lbs. +/- 2 lbs. I tested two cylinders wet and they jumped up to 182. So it looks like it needs rings, right?


I've done three HG jobs on phase ones, but never rings. Is it as easy as taking off the oil pan, unbolting the rods, pushing the pistons out and slipping new rings on, or am I dreaming? Will I have to mic bearings and journals and such? the engine runs nice and quiet.


I'm stuck with the car which is very nice in other respects. I haven't priced engines yet locally. And I don't want to put a 2.2 in. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions and ideas.


As always, thanks.



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