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What Have You Done to your Soobie lately? (Please post in here and keep it going)


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  SoobDood05 said:
Bennie that is a beautiful scoob, i have to ask, where did you get those rims? i need a pair of those!:drunk:


You'd actually need two pairs :D


  92_rugby_subie said:
They are the scorpion wheels from Australia




Not being produced at the moment it says :(


+1 love that scoob!


Yep. I got mine from fleabay. There was another set on there recently. Maybe if they're re-listed and your super keen the seller might look into international postage. I know it's easier to post items from the US than it is to post them TO the US. It sucks! Otherwise I could see me sending some EJ dual range boxes over there before they're crushed.





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Well, we had a beautiful morning here in Virginia.


Went out with Mrs. Dogbone to run some errands early, and came home and I decided to tackle a quick project I've been putting off for some time-- replacing the tired, worn out crackling and buzzing OEM stereo speakers in the front doors of my Loyale.


Although I have several sets of generic speakers laying around from old vehicles and past projects, I didn't have the exact odd-ball size (5.25"?) originally equipped in the Sube.


Since I'm a cheapskate I simply made some adapters out of some scrap industrial gasket material I had laying around. That gasket material is very stiff but lightweight and easy to work with and trim, much like a very thin sheet of wood, except it's waterproof.


Anyway, a little persuasion here and a little soldering there, and now I'm able to play my tunes without them sounding like they're coming from a bowl of rice crispies.


Good little upgrade, actually looking forward to my morning commute tomorrow. :cool:



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  Dogbone said:
Well, we had a beautiful morning here in Virginia.


Went out with Mrs. Dogbone to run some errands early, and came home and I decided to tackle a quick project I've been putting off for some time-- replacing the tired, worn out crackling and buzzing OEM stereo speakers in the front doors of my Loyale.


Although I have several sets of generic speakers laying around from old vehicles and past projects, I didn't have the exact odd-ball size (5.25"?) originally equipped in the Sube.


Since I'm a cheapskate I simply made some adapters out of some scrap industrial gasket material I had laying around. That gasket material is very stiff but lightweight and easy to work with and trim, much like a very thin sheet of wood, except it's waterproof.


Anyway, a little persuasion here and a little soldering there, and now I'm able to play my tunes without them sounding like they're coming from a bowl of rice crispies.


Good little upgrade, actually looking forward to my morning commute tomorrow. :cool:




I thought stock was like 6.5"?

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  subynut said:
The rears are 6.5", the fronts are somewhere around 5.25", but not exactly.


Yep. But the 6.5" still fit in the front, need to drill 3 new holes. And keep it concealed behind the door panel, for maximum clean install effect ;)

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Found out my fuel pump is going bad and not pumping fuel! ahah that explains a lot.


Also finally got my pcv system hooked up correct. (I think) haha


now once i get the fuel pump (assuming it fixes the problem) I am deciding if I want to sell the car and get a newer impreza wagon. Or keep it and dump more money into it

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  TheLoyale said:
You've already spent enough time and money on it, why do you want to buy someone else's problem? At least you know whats wrong with your currant car.


Not really. I dont know if it is the fuel pump actually, i dont know what the front right knock is still. and stuff breaks by the day.

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But you know the car is for the most part, reliable, aside from the Fuel Delivery issue. Getting a new (Old car) is always a crap shoot, you could be buying a problem child and then sink money into it, after you've spent money to buy it.


For the $2,000 you would spend on an Impreza, you could toss in the Loyale, and have a new car lol.

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  TheLoyale said:
But you know the car is for the most part, reliable, aside from the Fuel Delivery issue. Getting a new (Old car) is always a crap shoot, you could be buying a problem child and then sink money into it, after you've spent money to buy it.


For the $2,000 you would spend on an Impreza, you could toss in the Loyale, and have a new car lol.


I was looking at spending 3k on a impreza idk man idk

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i dont know how to post something other then reposting on someone elses post, so ill just go for it. I just recently blew my engine up by desrtoying a rod (went too fast with too little oil:() and the reason for this post is to find out if i can swap engines with newer nicer one...say maybe a wrx of the same year? Any information on swapping engines for a 99 Sub Leg would be greatly appreciated.




how do i make a post?

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stuff breaks by the day


I feel for ya.

There comes a point where the amount of things breaking starts negating the amount of effort it takes to fix all those things, and it's usually when the car starts throwing those punches in bunches.


How come you don't want to look for another GL body car? Just too much effort and pain in the rear?


I don't blame you though, my brother has a 94 Impreza with 220k on it and climbing daily..


Recently a guy approached him at a gas station interested in the car, we told him it has over 200,000 on the clock he was amazed. He asked if my brother would start it up so he could hear how it runs, to which the brother happily told him "It's running right now"


That car purrs and the engine is *quiet* They are fantastic cars.


Oh! And! He got it for 600 bucks @ 150k.

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  l75eya said:


I don't blame you though, my brother has a 94 Impreza with 220k on it and climbing daily..


Recently a guy approached him at a gas station interested in the car, we told him it has over 200,000 on the clock he was amazed. He asked if my brother would start it up so he could hear how it runs, to which the brother happily told him "It's running right now"


That car purrs and the engine is *quiet* They are fantastic cars.


Just one more reason right there. Mostly I am just tired of carb's. I want fuel injected for living up at such a high elevation in such cold weather.

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SPFI Loyale man! haha, I'm just :horse:. I guess it's because I just went and checked out an 86 GL-10 and it was just such a shame that it's most likely going to get junked. (Bad frame rot. Phenomenal low mileage engine)


We've all heard the commercials...

No matter whether it's a GL, or a Loyale, or a Leggy, or an Impreza. It's a subaru, so it'll be good for you no matter what.


good luck in your searches. Just make sure you look it over real well, or have a mechanic check it out for you if you need. No matter what the car is, lemons exist.

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  Moosen said:
Just one more reason right there. Mostly I am just tired of carb's. I want fuel injected for living up at such a high elevation in such cold weather.


'87-'94 SPFI ;)


EJs are decent motors. I never had any issues with the motor, except for $50 sensors failing, and adamn PO420 Cat code.


Insurance is gonna cost you a little more on the Impreza, but it might be equaled out since it has Dual air bags and ABS.

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  TheLoyale said:
'87-'94 SPFI ;)


EJs are decent motors. I never had any issues with the motor, except for $50 sensors failing, and adamn PO420 Cat code.


Insurance is gonna cost you a little more on the Impreza, but it might be equaled out since it has Dual air bags and ABS.


I just want my car to work dang it! haha

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  Moosen said:
Found out my fuel pump is going bad and not pumping fuel! ahah that explains a lot.


Also finally got my pcv system hooked up correct. (I think) haha


now once i get the fuel pump (assuming it fixes the problem) I am deciding if I want to sell the car and get a newer impreza wagon. Or keep it and dump more money into it


keep the car, because at some point the "dumping money into it" stops, and before you know it, you have a reliable running dependable car

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Poked at the gen 1 some more.


New bedliner, spark plugs, disty cap, battery cables, plug wires, oil, gear oil for tranny, rear dif next. Removed A/C stuffs. Quad headlights swapped over to replace dual bulb setup.. Large duals are hard to find around here and both are smashed.


Best of all.. hit of gas and starter fluid and she fired up and idled. Once I get the old broken water pump bolts out she will be good to go.. drill just spins around my extractor.. then broke the drill >.<


PO bent the exhaust back on itself, so green gen 1 is gonna be a donor. Wiper motor too :(


Valve cover was about gunked shut, same with most hoses.


Red gen 2 getting bedlined over the coming long weekend, just wish I had the fabled tailgate trim.

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Things done to my dads 90 Legacy:


Tab found @ JY so headlight can be aimed correctly.

Corner marker fixed (yet another tab broken)


Grill... sanded and painted... wonder if a Subaru I badge will fit where the logo is, cuz its worn out and looks bad :horse::dead:


Its the simple things... I have plans for NED coming up, and cant leave "KiKi" un-touched... :banana:

Edited by 92_rugby_subie
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Nothing wrong with using an EJ over an EA for a daily. I quite like daily driving my legacy, I think it's more comfortable than a GL could possibly be...

Until they release a GL with reasonable head and leg room, that's quiet, has decent power, and has leather interior. I'm gonna daily my 2nd gen leg. hah.

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  987687 said:
Nothing wrong with using an EJ over an EA for a daily. I quite like daily driving my legacy, I think it's more comfortable than a GL could possibly be...

Until they release a GL with reasonable head and leg room, that's quiet, has decent power, and has leather interior. I'm gonna daily my 2nd gen leg. hah.


My oldest son drives a '91 Legacy, and yeah it is more roomy and comfortable than my Loyale, and quite a bit quicker off the line.


But I still get better MPG than he does! :banana:

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